Doctor and 3 teachers among  7 child-porn detainees

A  54-year old doctor  three teachers, a computer programmer and an architecture student are among the first seven suspects in provisional detention, after being charged with possession of child pornographic material in hearings before the Court of Guarantees, in Los Santos, Panama Oeste, San Miguelito district and Panama City  after  an international operation : “Luz de la Infancia.

 Raids took place simultaneously in 13 locations in Panama seen as a distribution hub. and in the United States, Brazil, Ecuador, Chile, El Salvador, and  Paraguay,

 If convicted the detainees  could face  jail terms of 10 to 15 years of corruption and exploitation in minors such as the production, distribution, possession, and storage of images or videos where children  under 18 years of age appear in sexual activities, it is a crime for  whoever possesses pornographic material that contains real or simulated images of minors.

