Bringing crooked lawmakers to justice

The request made by Transparency International so that the Public Ministry reopens investigations into the misuse that deputies – and ex-deputies – gave to the National Assembly’s payrolls is necessary in the face of the enormous scandal that was uncovered, first, through La Prensa, and then in the audits of the Comptroller’s Office, which not only confirmed the journalistic findings, but also added a new flow of irregular events. They are tens of millions of dollars that would have disappeared in fraudulent employment contracts. Dozens of deputies and ex-deputies are involved and must be brought to justice for the misuse they gave to those funds, even with duly substantiated suspicions that not a few of them kept the money. Hence the urgency of reopening research that, in addition, It will be highly complex because of the number of people that will need to be investigated. We hope that politicians do not put their hands in the investigation – as has been their custom – much less in the Judicial Branch, where finally, this case will end. But, especially, we hope this time justice will be done at last. LA PRENSA, Aug., 31