New anti-crime strike force unveiled after 48-hour blood bath

National Police Director Jorge Miranda, who took over the post on July 4  has created a special team labeled “Alpha Force” to combat Panama’s surging crime rate which saw 10 people killed on the weekend and daily assassinations, sometimes in broad daylight in front of public onlookers. To the  deaths are added robberies, thefts, stabbings street quarrels, and domestic violence

“It is the restructuring of our resources to face what has been seen in recent days. There are several things to adjust within the service and Alfa intends to integrate our resources, in order to target the sectors, areas, and people who are engaged in this type of activity, ” said Miranda.

One of the weekend victims was an eight-year-old girl first grader at Fe y Alegría School, who dreamed of being a teacher was caught in the middle of crossfire in a war between gangs in Curundú, where she lived with her family. Two bullets penetrated her head. In the same incident, a 24-year-old also died in a hail of bullets

The residents of Curundú, where at least 20,000 people live, , conducted a peaceful march on Monday afternoon to demand security. The protest involved the family members of the girl and those of other victims of violence in the area.

The “Alpha Force”, according to Miranda, will have the support of other security forces and the community itself. “The consequence of what we are seeing now, is not that it went from a month to here. It is the result of some things that were not working and that we have the obligation to order, ”said Miranda

The new security authorities, commanded by minister of the branch, Rolando Mirones , dismantled the so-called Eagle Force, created by the government of Juan Carlos Varela , a security squad that, like Alpa, brought together personnel from organizations such as the National Borders System,  the National Aeronaval Service,and  the Institutional Protection System, among others.

“We do not have a magic wand to end the situation that is taking place as a result of drug seizures, quarrels of gang members … We are not going to negotiate with any ringleader of any band. We are not going to negotiate with any boss, ”Miranda told reporters on Monday after the citizens complained about the violent events that shook the country the weekend.

Miranda said that on the weekend they arrested 272 suspects and removed  20 firearms from the streets.

He also showed an intelligent vehicle, called Panther, which seeks to establish an internal communications control network for the police.

Criminal lawyer Orlando Castillo, says ” the issue of citizen insecurity has a drag of decades. “It requires a comprehensive approach, which includes the preventive aspect. Repressive approaches have been inefficient. A change of strategy is required, ”he added.