OPINION: Opacity the germ of dictatorship

This publishing house, in 2017, filed a habeas date for Pandeportes to deliver information regarding the aid received by sports federations and other related expenses. The Supreme Court then ordered Pandeportes to deliver all the information, but the entity did not fully comply with this obligation, hiding documents that would allow the puzzle of the use of these public funds to be completed. Again we went to the Supreme Court, this time to file an incident of contempt against Pandeportes, for having disobeyed the Court itself. To everyone’s surprise, our highest court rejected the appeal, as it did in the same circumstances with the then president of the National Assembly Yanibel Abrego. What are the Constitution and laws for, if your infractions will go unpunished? Where are the legal certainty and the rule of law? Again, the Supreme Court reminds Panamanians that their main function is to be guardian and guarantor of impunity, especially of the political class. The opacity of today is the germ of tomorrow’s dictatorships. – LA PRENSA July 31

