HEALTH :Panama flu deaths climb to 23

THE NUMBER of Panama deaths due to the A (H1N1) influenza virus climbed to 23 by Friday. July 5  reports the Ministry of Health (Minsa)/

Deputy Minister of Health, Francisco Sucre, said that the victims are under five years of age and older adults with an immune system compromised by chronic disease.

Data from the Ministry’s Epidemiology center shows that the majority of cases are in the province of Chiriqui, with 14 deaths, 10 of them children and 4 of adults.

The authorities said that next week the Pan American Health Organization will send them half a million vaccines, which they requested to fight the flu.

In the  past administration, the ministry acquired 1.1 million vaccines.

The influenza vaccine must be applied every year, regardless of the date it was administered the previous year.

Currently, the types of influenza detected in the country with the highest incidence are A (H1 N1), AH3N2 and influenza type B.

The symptoms are similar to those of common flu: high fever, dry cough, headache and throat, nasal congestion, muscle aches, diarrhea, and vomiting, lasting about a week. It is recommended to go to the doctor if you are part of the most vulnerable groups of the population: children and older adults.