No individual above national interests – President Cortizo


Listen well … No individual interest … political or economic … will ever be above national interests … And they are not negotiable!” said Laurentino Cortizo in his first speech as president of Panama on July 1.

“There will be no untouchables … even if they are Ministers … Deputies … great businessmen … And starting with the President himself …

“I reiterate to the Prosecutors, Judges, and Magistrates … you owe it to the Homeland and to your own conscience … not to political or economic pressures …  And less to me!”

Some of the other points he made:

“Today … there are 777,000  Panamanians living in multidimensional poverty … 450,000 children and adolescents … are poor”

“Corruption robs us all and threatens our future …”It intoxicates patronage and generates public distrust “Public funds are and will be sacred … We all have to render an account to the country …”

“In this month … we will present to the Assembly the base proposal for reforms … to endow Panama with a new constitutional order”

“We will guarantee that the Glass of Milk Program … is 100% of nationally produced… likewise, we will begin the design of the  Study Without Hunger Program

“In the first three months … we will present the law for the creation of the Ministry of Culture”

“In the coming months … we will start operations of the Bank of Opportunities … for the promotion of entrepreneurship … especially for our youth and women”