US inauguration delegation with business twist


The delegation  selected by US President Donald Trump to attend the  inauguration of, Laurentino Cortizo, on July 1  has a strong business emphasis.

It will be led by Wilbur Ross, Secretary of Commerce and American investors. Before taking office, Ross was a well-known banker dedicated to buying and restructuring bankrupt companies.

The delegation, largely made up of businessmen will also  include Marshall Billingslea, deputy secretary of the Treasury against the Financing of Terrorism of the US Department of Treasury.

In addition, the adviser to President Donald Trump and director of the National Security Council for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Mauricio Claver-Carone, will attend.

Claver-Carone is a lawyer known for his strong criticisms of the governments of Cuba and Venezuela

Also attending are  Julie Chung, Assistant Principal Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs of the Department of State; Roxanne Cabral, interim mission chief of the US  Embassy in Panama, and Ulrich Brechbühl, advisor to the Department of State.