OFF THE CUFF: Better the devil you know

During his term in office, with the stroke of a pen President Jun Carlos Varela handed out millions of dollars in discretionary payments for health treatment  to those with access to the corridors of power including $7,000 payment for surgery for  the removal of kidney stones of the  well paid Secretary General of the National Assembly, Franz Wever, currently charged with filching scores of thousands of dollars in fraudulent claims in the Diablos rojos (red devils) compensation scandal.

Now, cictims of accidents in the Metrobus transport system  who come from less privileged backgrounds, have demanded an “urgent meeting” with Varela who  leaves office on Sunday.

On Wednesday, June 26  the 28  victims who have been demonstrating near the presidential palace met with the Archbishop of Panama, José Domingo Ulloa, with the Ombudsman, Alfredo Castillero Hoyos, and the Director of Justice and Peace, Maribel Jaén, to find a solution to their demands.

They are calling for compensation from the Government for damages including amputations caused in accidents within a Metrobus. The Executive ordered a study to calculate the amount that would correspond to each of the affected users and promised to pay compensation before the end of the government, ie., Friday. Magaly Luna, one of the victims, said that she was frustrated by President Varela as with e two working days before his term ends the compensation payment has not been made.

Two weeks ago they held a protest around the Presidency and, Luna said, they were told that they would be given courtesy  room in this week’s Cabinet Council, but it did not materialize

The concern of the victims is that the payment of compensation has to be endorsed by the Attorney General’s Office and endorsed by the Comptroller and the Executive has not initiated the process. “Now they have 48 hours to solve this problem,” Luna said.