Varela legacy includes nine unfinished health facilities.

The legacy of the outgoing administration  will include nine unfinished hospitals and primary health centers, and the children’s hospital still awaiting the turning of the first sod.

President Varela Varela labeled the “tortoise” by some-   managed to find time for over 70 overseas jaunts, including soccer tournaments and in the last weeks of his term has participated in a marathon of ribbon-cutting ceremonies, but not one medical facility was included.

Ministry of Health authorities(Minsa) maintain that the situation is due to the corrective measures that had to be adopted in this administration to continue with the projects, since some structures were built in areas without access roads, water or electricity reports La Prensa.

In addition, there are works that are in international arbitration for late payments.

The situation has cost the State more money as the 5 hospitals and 4 health centers Minsa)Capsi) had an original value of $460.4 million, but now the figure has risen to $705.8 million.

Three hospitals and six Primary Health Care Centers of the Ministry of Health (Minsa-Capsi) that began to be built since the last administration (2009-2014) were not completed in the five-year period (2009-2019).

Julio Osorio, a representative of the National Negotiating Medical Commission (Comenenal) for the Transformation of the Public Health System, said that as solutions are sought for the shortage of medicines, efforts must be made to complete the multimillion-dollar structures of health.

The gray works that were left over from the Martinelli administration were not concluded due to lack of will”.

He said that the situation that occurred with the health facilities was unprecedented citing. as examples the El Tigre de los Amarillos, in the province of Veraguas, which was built 21 kilometers from the source of electricity, while the Cuipo, in Ciricito, in the province of Colon, had no access to drinking water.

The designated Minister of Health of in the incoming administration Rosario Turner said that on Monday, June 24, they will meet with the current health authorities to discuss the issue.