OPINION: Reign of Terror and Impunity

The Comptroller General of the Republic denounced deputies of the National Assembly for the irregular management of public funds. This new series of legal actions falls back into the hands of the Supreme Court of Justice, which has been unable to process all the previous files against the deputies and, even, persists in maintaining the files of Ricardo Martinelli’s cases that should have been remitted to the Public Ministry in December of last year, when the Court declined its jurisdiction over the former president of the Republic. While the magistrates of the Court travel the world, increasing the judicial default, and avoiding any confrontation with the legislative power, thousands of Panamanians wait in prisons to be assigned a date for their respective trials. The Court has turned its back on the popular clamor for justice. With that record, the magistrates of that court lack the moral to demand that the proposal of constitutional reforms not close the reign of terror and impunity sponsored from the Palacio Gil Ponce. If it wanted, the Court has the solution to its  problems. It is a matter of Will – LA PRENSA, Jun 18.