$5 million investment for Panama’s Metropolitan Park lung

The 232 hectares of Metropolitan Park is responsible for eliminating 30% of the polluting gases that are produced in the capital city and home to I hundreds of species of animals and plants,  Its board is planning a $5mililion investment to attract tourists while it fights further urban encroachment.

With the construction of the North corridor, the  Natural Park lost 56 hectares. In the last decade, there have been attempts to remove another 15 hectares to build the headquarters of the National Police and a workshop for Mibus buses.

Some 49,000  thousand last year and toured which is  only represents 14% of the total that the park can receive annually,

To increase the influx of visitors, the park’s board has launched a $5 million investment plan to add spaces that allow cultural and physical activities but respecting its main attraction: nature.

A few meters from the Juan Pablo II Avenue, but hidden by a barrier of trees, is the castle, an anti-aircraft bunker built by the US Army which will be renovated to house cultural events rooms, spaces for reading, music, history, and an area to climb.

The restoration, together with the parking area, will cost  $3.2 million, which is represents 56.2% of the budget of the master plan that will be completed by  2024.

Administered by a board, the park does not receive state contributions, so it must manage its own funds through concessions within its area of ​​jurisdiction. I

In addition to the rehabilitation of the bunker, which will ould have an auditorium for 300 people, the plan includes the creation of three new trails. The “marmoset monkey trail”, one of the most visited, will also be rehabilitated, and potable water sources will be installed on the top of Cerro Cedro, which at 150 meters above sea level is the second highest point in the city. capital, only surpassed by the 190 meters of height of Ancón hill.