More collapsed homes expected  says  Sinaproc

The collapse of a house after a landslide in, Los Andes in t San Miguelito, which led to being demolished and the evacuation of three other homes, will likely be followed by similar incidents say members of the Civil Protection System (Sinaproc)

Lina Bermúdez, an architect of Sinaproc, said that due to its geographical composition San Miguelito is prone to landslides. this combined with poor construction,  buildings without columns, beams and other elements that give sustainability to the houses and, there is no effective channel for pluvial waters nor the roofs are channeled.   Sinaproc geographer, Luis Villamonte said stressed that San Miguelito is one of the areas with the highest degree of landslides in the capital, due to its unstable slopes and the composition of the soils.