ENVIRONMENT: 20,000 on standby for Panama Reforestation Day

Over 20,000 volunteers will plant 40,000 trees throughout Panama to mark the country’s fifth National Day of Reforestation on June 22.
The program prepared by the Ministry of Environment (MiAmbiente), is coordinated through the Million Hectares Alliance.
It is expected to plant trees in 66.9 hectares under different modalities that include the restoration of agroforestry systems and, restoration of forest land and conservation of natural forests and silvopastoral systems.
The Alliance for the Million Hectares is a public-private body t formed by MiAmbiente, the Ministry of Agricultural Development (MIDA), the National Association for the Conservation of Nature (Ancon), the National Association of Reforestation and Allied (Anarap). ), the Panama Chamber of Commerce of Panama, and includes associations of civil society, universities and unions.
There will be 18 planting points in each of the provinces and the species of seedlings will include at least 11 types, including fruit and timber, such as mahogany, guayacán, bitter cedar, cocobolo, espavé, oak, mango, avocado, medlar, caimito and guanábano.
It is expected to plant trees in 66.9 hectares under different modalities that include the restoration of agroforestry systems and, restoration of forest land and conservation of natural forests and silvopastoral systems.
The fourth Saturday of June was declared as National Reforestation Day in 2017.