OPINION: In search of Panama Spring


The beginning of a nice transition between the outgoing government and the incoming administration has raised expectations about the executions of the new government. Although the votes deposited at the polls last May 5 gave a narrow victory to Laurentino Cortizo, his party largely controls the National Assembly and a majority of the country’s municipalities.

Precisely because of this reality, it is not necessary to use early risings or impositions to proceed towards the advance of important public policies. Clear challenges such as Social Security, constitutional reforms, education, the fight against corruption, water, electricity and the very functioning of the government, demand that action be taken towards citizens with consultations and consensus. The hope of an economic improvement encouraged a good part of the electoral decision. However, the new government must lead without exaggerations and with the truth at all times.

We Panamanians must work to build a solid, democratic and economically stable country. That is not achieved overnight, nor with miracles of public spending. The long-awaited era of sustainable prosperity requires good governance, better opposition and responsible citizenship – LA PRENSA, May 14