Miss Universe candidate in Assembly payroll

Rosa Montezuma, who represented Panama in the Miss Universe 2018 contest, is revealed being as one of the recipients of largesse from the National Assembly by being included in the payrolls of the Ngäbe Buglé deputy, Crescencia Prado, of the (PRD).

The information was revealed by the Comptroller General o through a platform that allows the public to review all payments made by deputies from 2014 to 2019.

Deputies used more than $ 166 million in payroll and donations

Montezuma was included in both the 080 (personal payroll of the deputies) and the 172 (the contracts for professional services), in 2016 and 2017.

The payments of both forms were suspended by the Comptroller for irregularities found in the contracts.

From Form 080, Montezuma received $2,800 in biweekly payments, while in item 172, she was paid $2, 950 in a single check. To this was is added$ 33 corresponding to the payment of the thirteenth month.