Candidate accused of “black man shit” racial slur

The journalist and former Panama Governor and longtime CD cheerleader Mayín Correa refused Friday. April 26  to grant an interview to the radio station  Radio Panama, after knowing that the judges of the Electoral Tribunal (TE) accepted the challenges to the candidacies for deputy in the 8-8 circuit and mayor of former president Ricardo Martinelli.

Instead,  reports La Prensa Correa insulted Edwin Cabrera .the director of news services of the radio station 

When a communicator from that radio station contacted her on Friday to find out her opinion on the Tribunal’s decision TE’s subject, Correa indicated that she hated the radio station because it was directed by “a  black man shit.” Cabrera posted the slur on his Twitter account.

With Martinelli barred l from running, Correa would be the CD candidate in the 8-8 circuit.