OPINION: Transparency vs Narcopolitics


Narcopolitics is a regional phenomenon that from Mexico to Argentina has left its mark on the institutions and economies of our countries. The gradual contamination of public servants and the contagion to other sectors of society has left us extremely vulnerable. This phenomenon has two common elements: corruption and impunity. This is why the importance of a solid justice system that defeats organized crime and produces the certainty of punishment for the big criminals that hit the region is very clear. Justice alone is not capable of facing such a challenge. Thus, Latin America and the Caribbean have benefited from brave journalists and media that have unmasked the conspiracy between drug trafficking and politics. But the great task of saving democracy belongs to citizens: demanding transparency from all authorities, demanding speed and impartiality of justice, and repudiating the easy money and influence that come from the drug business. A region free of corruption begins with every citizen – LA PRENSA, Apl. 16.