Court case follows 3  deaths in parking lot plunge

A widowed mother and her daughter who was the only survivor of an accident that killed three people when a car plunged from a  condominium parking lot in Costa del Este have opened a case against the builders.

The Judicial Secretary of the Fourteenth Civil Court certified that an ordinary proceeding was presented by Sabrina Murillo Perrone and María Perrone Carmona against Constructora Corcione y Asociados SA, Edward Charles McGrath, and Nelkis Gott.

Sabrina Murillo Perrone is the only survivor of the accident Este. María Perrone Carmona is her mother. The fatal accident occurred on March 28, 2018, when the vehicle dived rushed from the fourth floor of the PH Breeze parking lot in which her father and sister of Venezuelan nationality and a native of Costa Rica died.

The day of the accident Sabrina’s mother, was in Venezuela celebrating her sister’s birthday when and there she received the news reports TVN.

 At the time, Rafael Baloyes, who served as senior prosecutor Homicide Section announced, in a Public Ministry (MP) press release that the vehicle fell from the fourth floor (parking) on its roof his hood and killed three people immediately. The MP on March 29, 2018, carried out inspections in areas of the accident together with experts from the Technological University of Panama (UTP), and two civil and mechanical engineers, and as well as the dean of the Faculty of Engineering