DROUGHT: Water treatment plants operating at 40%

Authorities are calling on people in  communities in Panama East  to conserve water as levels in local rivers have fallen ro 31% and heading to a possible 10%

The Institute of Aqueducts and Sewers reported that Cabra 1 and 2 water treatment plants in East Panama are working at 40% of their capacity its production.

The Cabra 1 water treatment plant currently produces 332 gallons per minute, when its production was 1,400 gallons per minute.

The plant of Cabra 2 reduced its production from 2,800 to 1,395 gallons per minute, making it difficult to supply the population.

Barrio 1 and 2, Rancho Café, Trebol 2, Nueva Esperanza, Villa Marta, Totuma Arriba and Totuma Abajo, are some of the sectors where 15 water Idaan water tankers have delivered supplies. 

In La Palma de Darién, the Idaan has sent a barge with 200,000 gallons of water from the Port of Vacamonte, to be distributed through tanks and injection to the network.

The entity calls on the population to make rational and adequate use of water.

In recent days the Electric Transmission Company SA (Etesa), said that there is a 50% chance that the El Niño phenomenon may continue until October.