3 presidential runners skip business  forum

Three of the seven presidential candidates for May 5, 2019, election thumbed their noses at a forum organized byNational Council of Private Enterprise (Conep), to enable them to present their economic proposals.  

Marco Ameglio , Ana Matilde Gómez, Saúl Méndez and José Isabel Blandón showed up. The seats of Rómulo Roux (CD)  and Ricardo Lombana (Ind)  were empty. 

Laurentino Cortizo (PRD0 sent the economist David Saied in his stead. had attended the activity, which caused dissatisfaction among the rest of the candidates. Reports La Prensa.  

“The rules have been violated, the representative of the candidate who is not there can not debate with us,” said Méndez, of the Broad Front for Democracy. 

In the end, Saied had to leave the platform after 30 minutes. He returned to sit in front with the rest of the attendees at the Presidential Economic Vision 2019-2024 forum.

Severo Sousa, president of the Conep, said that the candidates who participated in the activity would be given “documents-guides with  Vision 2050”, on medium and long-term goals in the country.