Broken signal. speed cause one dead 20 injured crash.


The driver of a Diablo Rojo (green devil) bus was killed and at lest 20 of the 48 passengers injured following a collision with a sedan at 2 pm on Wednesday, March 20.

The accident took place on the Buena Vista bus route on Transistmica at  Cativá in San Judas, in Colon province.

After the collision, the bus plunged into a roadside ditch and became embedded in a bank of earth.

Among the injured, were several students traveling home from school.   Ambulances and paramedics from the Emergency Management System, (Sume), the Red Cross, the Fire Department and the National Civil Protection System ( Sinaproc ), helped the injured, some severely who after being stabilized were transferred to different hospitals in the province.

Delayed repairs
Malene Salazar, regional manager of the Transit and Land Transportation Authority  (ATTT)  said that speeding and a non-functioning traffic light were key elements in the tragedy.

She said He said that for several months she had notified Panama that the traffic light was still damaged and that on by Thursday personnel from HQ were scheduled to repair it.