Back to school -and traffic jams

Panama’s school and university students return to their classrooms on Monday, March 11 and although some key highways will be invested numerous construction programs are unfinished and there is concern about traffic congestion.

The National Police  Directorate of Traffic Operations says that of the National Police reported that from 4:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. Monday a mobility plan with the investment of lanes. will operate for vehicles that come from the North area and from  the province of West Panama, 

In Panama Norte, the lane inversion will start at Boyd-Roosevelt Avenue -in the Lajas of Las Cumbres- to the Villa Zaita entrance. This particular area faces major congestion in peak hours due to the work in the area of   San Isidro station, and the repair and extension of the Transístmica.

The investment of lanes in the West will start on the Arraiján – La Chorrera highway to the Burunga bridge, as well as from Centennial Bridge until just before the Rod Carew

Drivers who opt for the North and South corridors will find that the operating company ENA is performing major maintenance to their 117 booths.

 Eduardo Alvarado, Director of Technical Assistance at ENA, said that maintenance includes everything from replacing wiring to painting.

During the school period, the daily vehicle capacity exceeds 403,000 which decreases by  15% during vacation it decreases by 15%.