Scam artists in false appeal for kids hospital


Scam artists have been boarding public transport vehicles in Panama, armed with forged documents to raise money for the Hospital Fek Nino (Children’s Hospital on Avenida Balboa.

The fraudsters carry a letterhead and a stamped note containing the logos of the Children’s Hospital and the Ministry of Health, to request money for the operation of a minor that will supposedly be hospitalized for two months.

The note has a validity date from February 1 to March 15, 2019, and bears the forged “signature” of Dr. Alberto Bissot, current head of the Neonatal Ward of the Hospital del Niño.

“At no time does our institution make this type of plea to request money for relatives for the treatment of patients who come to our facilities,” said a  Hospital statement calling on the public to be alert to the scam.