Government dialogue “waste of time” – farmers

Farming organizations in the province of Los Santos, are once again calling on the government to convene a high-level meeting, including President, Juan Carlos Varela, to define the fate of what they see as the neglected agricultural sector.
If they don’t get a quick answer they plan a general assembly to plan further action.
Nelson Cedeño, of from the Santeño Livestock Rescue Movement, said that, like the National Association of Cattle Ranchers (Anagan) chapter of Los Santos, he decided not to continue at the dialogue table, because “they consider it a waste of time”.
Cedeño said that since August 16 of last year, the government has had in its possession the list of nine points and the 20 previous agreements.
“That is why we are asking for a high-level meeting with the presence of President Varela, to give us a definitive answer to the problem,” he said.
If by the end of this week or at the beginning of the next date for the meeting is not set, they will convene a general assembly to analyze the situation.
“We left the dialogue table because we can not continue to do the job of the government,” he added.
Cedeño stressed that the issue of imports “continues to be the headache of the producers,” and it is the government that has the tools to stop them.
He said that the main problem is that the government continues to guarantee imports to strangle the market.