WYD  Emergency Care Plan outlined

As Panama prepares to host World Youth Day (WYD) the function that draws the biggest attendance in the Catholic Church calendar details of the Emergency Care Plan were presented at the Presidential place on Friday, January 11.

The operation involves security forces, The Civil Protection Agency (Sinaproc) The Red Cross and the Fire brigade

The Coordinator of the Emergency Axis of the Executive Directorate of Support to the Local Organizing Committee for WYD Panama 2019, Marcos Rueda explained that the Emergency Plan reflects the planning, procedures, on-site tests, national and international training of units of the System National Civil Protection Agency (SINAPROC), SUME 911, Benemérito Fire Department of the Republic of Panama (BCBRP) and the Panamanian Red Cross the 911 ambulance service and the Fire Brigade.

The Director of SINAPROC, José Donderis said that the members of this entity are trained to guide the assistants in the process of entry and evacuation of  the sites with massive acts, mainly in Cinta Costera and Metro Park. his volunteers will attend the event sites such shopping centers, tourist interest areas, beaches, and roads and stops nationwide.

Previously SINAPROC has carried out safety inspections in facilities, structures and accommodation sites and have evacuation plans in conjunction with related institutions.

Fire Service director  BCBRP, Jaime Villar said that they have updated all the staff in the Advanced First Aid Course and have volunteer companies trained and available for immediate attention to pilgrims, visitors and the public.

Villar said that they will maintain personnel in the 19 operational stations of the Metro, guaranteeing compliance with security regulations and providing information to the command post regarding contingencies that may arise.

In addition to the personnel assigned directly to the World Youth Day for the attention at the event sites, all fire stations will have their full staff for the attention of contingencies that arise and in support of the central event sites ; for example, for the Cinta Costera, we will respond from the 3 closest stations (Calidonia, Balboa and Plaza Amador) and for Metro Park they will support units and equipment from Tocumen, Juan Díaz and San Miguelito stations.

The Director of the Unified Emergency Management System -SUME 911-, Gil Fábrega said that during the WYD the unique number 911 will be working, integrating the response of the pre-hospital care, rescue, fire and police service.

It is requested that people refrain from using emergency numbers to make false alarms, since it affects the response capacity of the institutions, noting in advance that it is already possible to locate the number and place of origin of such calls.

First Aid
José Baquero  Red Cross Coordinator of Risk Management and of the Red Cross, said  it has  reinforced the first aid, CPR, immobilization, bandage and stretcher training to more than 500 institutional volunteers.

The local body will be receiving the support of international organizations to reinforce the rescue and first aid tasks, such as: Order of Malta, Order of Mercy of Tuscany and the Boys Scouts of Poland.

Participant guidelines

During events
• Avoid meeting as a group on the access and exit routes.
• Be, well fed and hydrated
• Wear loose, comfortable, light-colored clothing.
• Wear  hats
• Drink water daily
• Apply sunscreen
• Use mosquito repellent for the evening hours.
• Avoid climbing trees and temporary structures such as: giant screens, sound towers, antennas or monuments
• Attend to instructions in cases of evacuation.

After the event:
• Evacuate in an orderly manner through established channels. Keep calm and patient.