OPINION: Panamas white collar criminals

We Panamanians have paid with money from our pockets for the mistakes and deals that have been woven through decades of incompetent governments and a huge number of officials who have proven to be true white-collar criminals. The Minsa-Capsi and several hospitals of all levels have not been finished building due to lack of planning. It has become clear that the only real interest was the benefit that these projects could leave in the pockets of those who had the idea of executing them. Getting the projects to have water and electricity has cost the Panamanians an additional $250 million. To make this situation even more regrettable, it was not considered that these hospital centers needed professional and technical personnel that the country does not have. So in many cases we will have nice and expensive hospitals, but without the right personnel to provide patient care. It is time for officials to be responsible for the waste of public funds that their actions or omissions cause. Maybe when it costs their pockets we will have better planned works- LA PRENSA, Dec. 17