Christmas Shine parade takes over Cinta Costera Dec, 16

PANAMA’S  Cinta Costera and Avenida Balboa will be closed on Sunday, December 16 for the annual Christmas parade this year labeled  The Christmas Shine (Brilla la Navidad).

The route will start at the first gazebo near the Mirador del Pacífico until the last parking space on the strip.
The array of Christmas floats will  include many marking the  500 years of Foundation of the city of Panama  says the Mayor’s Office

Entrance to the site will be from 2:30 pm and the parade will begin at 5:00 pm. Over 1,800 security personnel will be on duty

To ensure the safety of attendees, the mayor’s office says it is forbidden to carry items such as glass containers (including perfumes), firearms and ice cubes, metal cutlery, and only plastic chairs will be allowed. Fireworks  sharp items and alcoholic beverages are also on the banned list

The Cinta Costera and Avenida  Balboa close at one minute to midnight on Saturday, December 16 until 5:00 am on Monday, December 17.