El Nio will likely mean less rain in dry season

There is an 80% probability of an El Niño phenomenon in Central America during the coming months, that will mean a dry season will have less rain than usual for the Caribbean according to the of the Climate Hydrological Forum of Central America, gathered in Panama.

The rainy season should end between December 1 and 15 for the Central Pacific; between December 16 and 30 for the Eastern Pacific.

El Niño is a climatic phenomenon that is generated in the equatorial Pacific region and impacts the American continent, which causes strong and dramatic changes in the climate of the intertropical region, for example, strong droughts or more extensive than normal.

The forum reviewed and analyzed the most recent oceanic and atmospheric conditions, historical rainfall records, forecasts of global models and their possible implications on rain patterns in the region.

“Since the end of September, sea surface temperature indicators show a consistent and significant warming characteristic of an El Niño “  the forum concluded.