OPINION: Fat cat lawmakers living on backs of athletes


Yesterday, a group of Panamanians expressed their repudiation of corruption and mismanagement in the management of sport in our country. After months of the revelations of this newspaper, on form 080 of the National Assembly, in which the false “sports promoters” proliferated; and the dissemination of the dark management of public funds in Pandeportes, it has become very clear that for the political class, sport is a good business. This reality outraged recognized athletes who have made known with their protest that they want a change. All those responsible for this misappropriation of funds that should have been used to finance dreams and talents should be investigated. The sports authorities must purge the federations and associations of the branch so that they can not re-elect the sacred cows that have hijacked the Panamanian sport. It is a crime to take away opportunities for young people to swell the bank accounts of gamonales and parasitic demagogues who have lived through politics and sports. Blas Pérez reminded the Panamanians that in order to resolve this, it is necessary to vote intelligently in 2019. So be it. LA PRENSA, Nov.29