International recognition for Panamanian scientist

Panamanian scientist Guillermo Antonio Ameer, and his team at Northwestern University in Chicago, USA  who created the regenerative bandage for wounds of diabetic patients, will receive a recognition in February at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science for its contributions in the fields of biomaterials and regenerative engineering.

Ameer lived in Bethanie and studied at the Pan-American Institute in Panama and went to the United States to continue his training and at the  University of Austin, Texas, to study chemistry. He obtained a Ph.D. in Chemical and Biomedical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Currently, he is professor of biomedical engineering and director of the Center for Advanced Regenerative Engineering at Northwestern University.

Other scientists who will receive recognition are mechanical engineering professor Jian Cao and physics professor and member of the Center for Exploration and Interdisciplinary Research in Astrophysics Frederic Rasio, also from Northwestern University