Worlds largest bank plans regional headquarters in Panama capital

The World’s largest bank is planning to establish a regional headquarter in Panama says the Superintendent of Banks of Ricardo Fernandez

The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) is in the process of internal authorizations prior to the request for a general license in Panama that will allow it to operate both inside and outside of the country, said Fernandez.

“A bank of this magnitude is positive for the country because it would bring an important player that will promote more financing from Panama both internally and in the region, it would be a stimulus to the economy and an important player in infrastructure projects”, said Fernandez, who also advanced the interest of a Japanese entity (in an international license.

The superintendent made the statements during the announcements of the First International Banking Congress for Regulators and Bankers, to be held in Panama in  February 2019, with the participation of banking supervisors of the region, risk rating agencies, directors of banks, as well as correspondent and multilateral banks.