1,315 drug packs, 3 arrests in Colombia border swoops

Two operations by National Border Service (Senafront ) on the border with Colombia led to the seizure  of  1,315 drug packages, and the arrest of three narco-traffickers in the central Pacific region of Panama judicial and security sources reported on Saturday.

In a Twitter message, the  Anti-Drug Prosecutor’s Office said that a “vessel from Colombia”  was intercepted and 1,002 packages of drugs were seized and three men arrested, of which two of which were “injured”, in circumstances not specified in the official information.

The National Aeronaval Service (Senan) reported Saturday that its agents seized 313 packages of an “illicit substance to be determined”, which were found in a boat whose crew took flight  “when noticing the presence of Aeronavales units”

In the last year, Panama seized at least 84.6 tons of drugs, mostly cocaine, a record figure according to official data.