OPINION: Panamas failing competitive grade

The fall in the global competitiveness index, a tool that seeks to identify and compare the ability of countries to provide development opportunities to their citizens, deserves the attention of the present authorities and those who aspire to replace them after 2019. Some years, only Chile was located above Panama. Today, a handful of countries in the region obtain better results than ours. The fall in itself is alarming because it is observed in almost all the aspects analyzed, but it is even more so if we take into account that Panama’s gross domestic product has been growing at a faster pace than the economies of the countries that today outperform us in this index. That has only one reading: Panamanians have not known how to take advantage of wealth. We have not transformed it into stronger institutions or better-trained citizens. We have not invested enough in science and technology. In summary: we have grown more than we have progressed. Let’s take note and, instead of distracting ourselves by looking for justifications, we propose to improve these results.-LA PRENSA, Oct. 17