OPINION: Politicians sidelining culture

Between the years 2019 and 2021 will be commemorated, respectively, the fifth centenary of the foundation of the Panama City and the bicentennial of the independence of Panama from the Kingdom of Spain. Nevertheless, these important milestones in our history lack a material counterpart, a set of museums, cultural and artistic centers, and specialized libraries that provide Panamanians and foreigners with knowledge of our history. In the coming years, two mega-events committed by the current government will attract hundreds of thousands of visitors to the country, without the certainty that the National Theater or the Reina Torres de Araúz Anthropological Museum are available to assist you. Where are the museums that could be visited by the pilgrims of the World Youth Day? Which are the books, films, musical compendiums, theatrical anthologies, that can be offered to the athletes of the Central American and Caribbean Games of the year 2022? and The city of Panama will be the Ibero-American capital of culture in 2019 However, the National Institute of Culture and funding for all artistic, aesthetic, humanistic and scientific manifestations, have been the forgotten pieces of the state budget of the most recent governments. Is it true that politicians prefer an uncultivated population for being easier to manipulate? …LA PRENSA Sep 8