Inter-American press body denounces Martinelli media muzzling ploy

The Inter-American Press Association (IAPA) issued a statement on Monday, Augut 27,

August expressing concern over the admission of legal actions against Panama communications media for providing press coverage and criticizing

facts of public interest involving ex-President Ricardo Martinelli.

The IAPA hopes that the Panamanian justice will dismiss the “use  of abusive legal remedies by the former President and his family, to avoid criticism being inhibited, as well as investigation and journalistic dissemination on matters of public interest that citizens follow with great attention “.

“In this case, we are facing a clear maneuver to intimidate and silence public opinion, “said the president of the  SIP Press Freedom Commission , Roberto Rock, reports TVN

The Forum of Journalists of Panama for Freedom of Expression and Information and the National Council have jointly denounced  the legal actions undertaken by the Martinelli  family with the purpose that the Court order the media and communicators to refrain from

publishing  the family name or family The family  have also filed multi million dollar criminal lawsuits