Radical solutions needed for Panama social security

Panama’s Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture (Cciap)  is calling for radical action to tackle the country’s social security problems.

It regrets the lack of actuarial studies to give an accurate “panorama” on the financial realities of the  Social Security system (CSS).

“We reiterate the need to analyze the separation of the entity in two: One part  dedicated to the provision of health services and another to the administration of pension programs; both with independent  different boards, specialized in the issues that concern them while considering the best global practices of corporate governance to achieve efficient management”  says  a statement released on Sunday, August 26

According to the Chamber, there is a general coincidence of criteria in that in the next five years Panama has a final opportunity to carry out – within democratic parameters, stability, and peace – the necessary transformations to consolidate progress and collective well-being, in terms of participation, inclusion and social justice. In that context, the health system and social safety “is one that we cannot let go”, it concluded.