OPINION: Dont re-victimize victims

The judge’s decision to guarantee the privacy of the victims of the wiretaps for which ex-president Martinelli is being prosecuted is more than correct, it is fair since to divulge the content of these communications would be like victimizing the affected people again. Until now, the content of those transcripts has been guarded with zeal, and the resignation of all the victims to know of the cases that are not theirs is also a wise decision. It is now in the hands of the defense of the former president maintain the confidentiality of these documents and respect the right to their privacy that they all have. Nothing would be more detrimental to the process than that the reading of these communications leads to rumors among groups, to then sneak into social networks or media. And if something does reach the public, we hope that there will be exemplary sanctions for those responsible … LA PRENSA. Aug. 3