OPINION: Panamas booming public payroll

The State’s payroll grows meaningless. In June 2018, the total number of public servants reached 234 205. In June 30, 2014, there were 208, 682  officials. Their salaries amounted to $1.231 billion. In 2018. $1.915 billion. This explosion in human resources and financial expense has not been accompanied by the necessary transparency and efficiency. Thus, the Foundation for the Development of Citizen Liberty, the Panamanian chapter of Transparency International, carried out an analysis in which it is found that the State institutions do not publish all the information on their returns, and those that do have important flaws in the published data. The organization suggests updating the standards and standardizing the criteria for spreadsheet disclosure. All this would be the first step to face the fundamental question: for what are so many officials? … LA PRENSA, Jul. 31