Martinelli legal dream team digs in

The hearing into the illegal wiretapping charges against by Panama ex-president Ricardo Martinelli resumed on Tuesday, July 31, with the  multi-million dollar legal defense dream team continuing to demand that the prosecution reveal the identity of a key protected witness, and attempting blocking ploys that threaten to create the country’s longest-running criminal investigation.

Meanwhile Martinelli passes his time away from his home in El Renacer prison reading hefty tomes largely focused on the downfall of Rome.

During his  Tuesday pleadings, defense lawyer Sidney Sitton objected to points of the indictment document, which were allegedly taken care of by the prosecutor Harry Díaz during a five-day recess.

Sitton read a letter in which he detailed a series of elements of conviction and evidence, both testimonial and documentary, which he says have not been delivered to the defense.

He highlighted those related to expert reports and eye inspections carried out on two laptops.