OPINION: Cell phone vs heritage

With the greatest complicity, silence and indifference of the national and municipal authorities, in particular, those of the National Institute of Culture, our monuments the archaeological heritage, the original texts and archives of the life of this country, that set historical memory, are disappearing or deteriorating, and with this our being vanishes.

Vandalism left its mark on the bust that honors the first cry of independence in La Villa de Los Santos, and the same marks the ruins of Portobelo. These facts are a confirmation of the abandonment and little concern that the population maintains towards the objects and goods that mark our identity. Perhaps, if the INAC devoted more resources to the disclosure of our historical wealth and less to the roaming of its officials, there would be a little more awareness. In any case, a few months after Panama City marks its fifth Centennial, the great absence of the festivities is culture. The Panamanian political class has never been characterized as protagonists for support for the arts, humanities, and sciences. For them, enlightened and critical citizens are a nuisance …LA PRENSA, Jul. 18