Judge warns defense on Martinelli “sickness” obstruction

Ex-president Ricardo Martinelli’s “sickness” charade earned a warning from a Supreme Court Judge at the conclusion of a hearing that started over nine hours late on Tuesday, June 25.
It was delayed by Martinelli’s refusal to attend and his claims of ill health.
Judge of Guarantees Jeronimo Mejía rejected defense arguments that as Martinelli had resigned from the Central America Parliament the illegal wiretapping case could not be heard by The Supreme Court. Martinelli through lawyer Carlos Carrillo, announced that he would appeal the decision, but Mejía, said that, in accordance with the law in force, the decision, is not appealable either before him or before the plenary session.
The judge of guarantees also told the battery of defense lawyers that he understands Martinelli ’s right to exercise legal defense with vehemence, but he exhorted them to not become an obstacle to delay the process.
He urged lawyers to inform their client about the stage of the process and that This cannot be delayed due to the fact that he does not take his[blood pressure] medications.
The former PRD presidential candidate Balbina Herrera, a complainant in the process, said that the judge’s ruling “is a demonstration that justice cannot be manipulated at the whim of a person”.
Carlos Herrera Morán, a lawyer for Doctor Mauro Zúñiga, a victim of the wiretapping, said that the defense received a hard blow, since the process will continue in the Supreme Court
The hearing began over nine hours late, since Martinelli refused to attend the event, alleging that his health condition had deteriorated and that with the presentation of his letter of resignation to Parlacen the Court could not proceed with the indictment hearing.
Martinelli was delivered in a van handcuffed and escorted by security agents, accompanied by a caravan of at least five vehicles and an ambulance.
Once the hearing began, the defense told the judge that the hearing
had to be suspended, because his life was in danger after cardiac arrhythmia and high blood pressure had been detected.
The defense produced an electrocardiogram performed by 911 paramedics, that showed according to the lawyer Carlos Carrillo, it his client was at that moment prone to a cardiac arrest, so he asked to be taken to a hospital.
The judge said he did not accept the report, as he had been informed by officials of the Penitentiary System that Martinelli was in good health to be transferred and face the audience.
Mejía said he was informed that since last Friday Martinelli started a hunger strike and had decided not to take the drugs against high blood pressure.
The judge called the El Renacer prison doctor, where Martinelli has been detained since June 11, after his extradition from the United States.
Doctor Feliciano Eloy Maure, said he was the one who ordered the electrocardiogram in the prison. “I’m not here to fuck anyone […] At this moment, there is nothing that compromises his life, “said Maure, and clarified, that it was not necessary to hospitalize the accused.
Judge Mejía said that it was clear that the former president’s life was not in danger and proceeded with the audience.
The prosecuting magistrate Harry Díaz said that they could not be in each hearing treating the health problem of Martinelli.
Martinelli told the judge “You do not like me, you hate me, for reasons I do not know, but that does not matter. I wanted to come here. I feel politically persecuted, my rights and my health are violated… They told me that the magistrate wanted me here alive or dead,” said the ex-governor.
Mejía interrupted him and denied any “feelings of animosity” and that the accused was taken to the hearing following the protocols of the General Directorate of the Penitentiary System