Comptroller stands firm, on lawmakers suspicious spending

The battle of wills between Panama Comptroller General, Federico Humbert, and The president of the National Assembly, Yanibel Ábrego continues with legitimate Assembly staff awaiting pay on the losing end.
The Comptroller’s office “will remain firm” in its decision to suspend the payment of the Assembly expenses form 080 said Humbert on Monday, June 25.
“There are many entries that we have found that create suspicion, “he said.
Humbert reiterated that there are issues which he does not feel the Assembly has managed in a transparent way
“Not allowing The Office of the Comptroller General to review and supervise how the funds, were paid and by whom and who exchanged the checks, gives us more indications that there are things that are not handled correctly, “he said.
So the Comptroller will maintain the suspension of the payment of the return, until “we can correctly review and audit the submissions as the law allows us. “
On June 5, Comptroller Humbert announced that he suspended the payment to the 3,500 officials who are registered in that item. Forensic auditors were expelled from the National Assembly after they revealed multiple irregularities in the use of the funds of the different payrolls.
The Comptroller has once again appealed to the Supreme Court so that the Third Chamber of Administrative Litigation can pronounce on the suspension of the payment of the 080 form, which contains the personal contracts of the deputies.
The appeal was left to the magistrate Cecilio Cedalise, who must decide if it is admitted or not.
“We are waiting for the ruling of the Court” and, once we have their opinion, we will immediately begin to check the contents of the form, said Humbert.
“My comment on this has always been: “ He who has nothing to hide has nothing to fear,” he added.