OPINION: Cowardice and impunity

After the resounding rejection of the request to change the provisional detention in El Renacer, for some five-star hotel, and the overwhelming decision not to admit writ of habeas corpus on the same subject, comes the letter of resignation to Parlacen.

That “den of thieves” ceased to be useful in the face of the obvious avalanche that was approaching. In another cowardly and petty action, which only seeks to delay the work of justice, the former president shows his true colors. It is not only the ridicule of the letter to the people and Government of the United States, in which he showed his servility but now another letter shows his

contempt for his membership in the Parlacen, insulting the six countries that make up the organism. That safe maneuver awaited the approval of the other den of thieves, the  National Assembly, in order to find a dishonorable way out of this judicial process. Without caring about the time and attention that the Supreme Court of Justice stops giving to all, the other cases, again this wrong will mean distracting the Supreme Court even more.

Panamanians are fed up with the attempts to manipulate the courts. Enough of impunity! …LA PRENSA  June 22