UK-Panama relationship at peak

The relationship between Panama and the UK is at its best following a meeting this week between President Juan Carlos Varela and Prime Minister Theresa May, says the British Ambassador to Panama, Damion Potter who was present at the discussion at 10 Downing Street

According to a Downing Street spokesperson, Varela and May dealt with issues of trade, education, chemical weapons and security cooperation, among others.
“They talked about joint efforts against corruption and the prime minister pointed out the importance of continuing to make progress in introducing anti-corruption legislation and penalizing tax evasion in Panama, “says a press release from Downing Street.
They also talked about cooperation on regional security and agreed of the importance of joint work to address cross-border threats, which include “trafficking in narcotic drugs, persons, contraband and counterfeit products and illicit financing “.
The reactions arise after a supposed disagreement between Varela and May, during the meeting reports La Prensa. As reported by the AFP agency, the Prime Minister asked Varela for “more efforts against corruption and tax evasion”. The agency cites a spokesperson for Downing Street saying that “the prime minister noted the importance of seeing more progress in the adoption of anti-corruption laws and in criminalizing tax evasion in Panama”.
The version was soon denied by Panama chancellor Isabel de Saint Malo de Alvarado, Finance Minister Dulcidio De La Guardia and Commerce and Industries Minister Augusto Arosemena,who accompanied Varela.