Mayer Mizrachi dodges day in court

Thirteenth Criminal Judge, Alina Hubiedo, suspended a hearing scheduled for Tuesday, May 15, for an alleged crime against public administration (embezzlement) to the detriment of the Government Innovation AuthorityGovernment (AIG).

The corruption hearing joins the long list of suspended cases because of delaying ploys by defense lawyers recently condemned by the Supreme Court.

The case has been grinding on since 2016 when Mayer Mizrachi a key player sought political asylum in Mexico.

This preliminary hearing will be held on the alternate date, that was set for next July 30,

The case is related to possible anomalies in a contract for the installation of the Criptext platform,  by Mayer Mizrachi.

On  May 14, the court received the incident submitted from the Unified Registry of Entry (RUE)

by the lawyer Ana Belfon, which will be processed in a separate file and will suspend the processing of the case.

Likewise, a power that Mizrachi granted to a new lawyer, Madeleine Brin Vásquez, was presented.

And In turn, he requested the postponement of the preliminary hearing.

Charged are scheduled the former director of the AIG, Eduardo Enrique Jaén Limnio,

Mayer Mizrachi and  four others