Varela heading for UK and Israel

President Juan Carlos Varela will be boarding the presidential jet on Saturday, May 12 en route to two official missions. The first will be, to the   United Kingdom to meet with Prime Minister Theresa May. The meeting is described as historic by Panama authorities as Varela will be the first Panamanian president to be received by a British Prime Minister.

He will also meet with high-level business leaders to discuss investment in the Isthmus and with  British airlines to promote Panama as a gateway to Latin America, before moving to Israel, on May 18, to hold meetings with different authorities in that country, and with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said government spokesman Luis Miguel Hincapié.

“This official visit is part of the diversification strategy of Panamanian foreign policy, which was announced by President Varela and that is focused on the approach and strengthening of relations with the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Australia and Africa,” said “Hincapié

In the United Kingdom, the president will be accompanied by Vice President Isabel de Saint Malo de Alvarado,  Finance Minister Dulcidio De la Guardia and Augusto Arosemena Minister of Commerce and Industry.

In Israel, the first lady Lorena Castillo de Varela will attend along with the director of the Institute of Aqueducts and Sewers, Juan Felipe de La Iglesia; the Minister of Agricultural Development, Eduardo Enrique Carles; and the secretary of the National Security Council, Rolando López.

The return to Panama is scheduled for May 19.