Brokerage scandal link-man exits jail

A key player in the Financial Pacific(FP) brokerage scandal, who dodged investigation for months before suddenly appearing in court to plead guilty has been released from jail to complete his five-year sentence doing community work.
Ignacio Fábrega was the former director of Supervision of the Securities Market (SMV), who will now have community work.
On August 25, 2015, Fábrega pleaded guilty to giving confidential information to the now extinct brokerage when he was an employee of the SMV.
He served a five-year sentence in El Renacer prison, However, at a hearing held on Wednesday, the judge ordered that he now perform
community work, for the rest of the penalty period. The judge gave as a basis for his ruling that, in July, Fabrega will fulfill two-thirds parts of the sentence. At the hearing, the Public Prosecutor’s Office requested verification of who will be supervising the work carried out by the ex-supervisor of the SMV.

While Fabrega was in office at the SMV an auditor investigation FP disappeared and is widely believed to be dead, and another investigator was stabbed in Parque Urraca while heading to the nearby FP offices.
Investigations into FP’s former activities are ongoing, with one of the founding partners in detention, the other on the run. The former brokerage is linked to numerous criminal investigations involving high profile figures in the previous administration, including ex-president Ricardo Martinelli