OPINION: Complicity in lawmaker plundering

The exercise of public power entails important responsibilities, perhaps the most vital, that of being accountable for actions taken.

In the case of the president of the National, Assembly judicial decisions and administrative petitions of different State agencies, which are not receiving the appropriate response from the maximum authority of the Legislative Body. In this time of transparency and citizen expectations of the accountability of officials, the attitude of Deputy Yanibel Ábrego manifesting silences and evasions that are woven into a wall of disturbing complicity.
The feast of hundreds of millions of dollars in which the deputies in the last government were involved , like the tens of millions that have been currently identified as intended for alleged donations and personal irregular services. In the last case the Assembly has avoided cooperating and disseminating the information that matches  There can be only  one conclusion: the deputies want to go unpunished, and their President heads that immoral effort … LA PRENSA, Mar.23