More audits of Panamas free-spending lawmakers

PANAMA’S Comptroller General is once again on the trail of free-spending lawmakers and will audit the National Assembly file containing contracts of staff working for the deputies, that has increased from $4,000 to $ 30, 000 monthly since 2015.

“After reviewing  preliminary progress of the audit carried out by the Comptroller’s Office, we find that in many cases  they do not have the necessary controls to confirm the provision of contracted services,” said Comptroller Federico Humbert in a letter sent to  Assembly president Yanibel Ábrego.

The Comptroller said that, in addition, that he will order “a concomitant review of the expenditure processes of such services “, and will assign a work team “Specifically for that purpose.”

Panama is currently facing a legislative crisis as rival parties battle for control of key committees, and the budget committee has refused to endorse the transfers of funds  to various ministries and entities, including  $9.8 million requested by the Ministry of Health for several projects, including the remodeling of the Gorgas Memorial Institute, the construction of a hospital in Bocas del Toro, and for the wastewater treatment plant in Juan Díaz.

Neither did they guarantee $6 million to the Ministry of Public Security for the doctors of the National Police; nor another $ 3.4 million to the Ministry of Government to acquire a technology for the National Civil Protection System, (Sinaproc) and for prison maintenance.

The refusal of the Budget Committee to approve the funds provoked complaints from the institutions themselves and from representatives of civil society reports La Prensa.

“We believe that the health of all Panamanians must be maintained out of the vagaries of partisan politics, since, if not, it could jeopardize the well-being of the country, “said the Ministry of Health in a statement.

According to leaders of civil society, such as Freddy Pitti, of the Together We Decide Movement, these events reveal once more the confrontation between the Executive and the Legislature. He added that it is clear that for the deputies, “their priority is anything but the welfare of the people.”