Tougher sentences for sex crimes against minors

President, Juan Carlos Varela, signed the Law toughening  sentences for sexual crimes against minors on Tuesday, March 20

The sentence  for people who pay or encourage  minors to perform sexual acts and those who corrupt or promote the corruption of a minor of 18  making her participate or witness behaviors of sexual nature will be  8-10 years

Those who for profit facilitate any form of sexual exploitation of minors will be jailed for seven to nine years and those who promote the transfer minors inside or outside the national territory for the purpose of sexual exploitation will be punished with 10-15 years behind bars.

The making or distribution pornographic material will earn 10-15 years jail time.

The plenary session of the National Assembly approved in the third and final debate the draft Law 584 on March 6.






The sanctioning  of the law occurs in the middle of indignation over  the sentence of 10 years  for photographer Eduardo Grimaldo for the rape  and libidinous acts against a minor who was a relative